Kelsey Braseau, is a practitioner of 5 years in Access Conscious, also known as Bars. We were discussing some of the benefits that she's been noticing around receiving Bars sessions over the years including the effects on hormonal issues, which is of particular interest to me since so many of the women that I work with have stress related hormonal symptoms. Here is what Kelsey says Bars has done for her:
Having Bars sessions is one of the most relaxing and kind things I can do for myself and my body. Having regular Bars sessions has helped me alleviate chronic pain, insomnia, pre/post menopausal symptoms and has improved my general well being. I have amazingly lost 20 pounds effortlessly due to a continually better outlook on life which decreases my overall stress. Bars has been a huge contribution to aging more gracefully and I highly recommend regular sessions to anyone looking to improve the quality of life. Many of my clients have expressed similar results including feeling peaceful, relaxed, and meditative after a session.
Let's face it, we all have stress. Stress of some sort is what causes our health to deteriorate. Excessive stress is the main problem that I see with every single patient and client. Making a regular effort to reduce stress is the key to longevity and aging with ease and grace.
For more information on Bars visit the website at: or call Kelsey for a session at: (360) 601-6704.