Change begins with you.
Often, we are looking for something external to make our lives better. What if the only thing in your world that needs changing is you? You can choose how you feel by just deciding to feel better. If enough people do this as much as they feel they are capable, then the total outcome of our existence can shift into something amazing. If everyone on the planet can get in touch with the fact they they can choose how they feel, then it will only open doors to exponential possibilities for improvement on all levels of our existence.
Today, I found this YouTube video of beautiful pictures infused with music and the LOVE FREQUENCY of 528HZ. Everything on the planet has a frequency because we are energy in nature. Even the Merck Manual of prescription medications has a frequency for each medication that is available on the market. LOVE may really be the best drug! and how convenient, it costs nothing except to choose it!
Today, I listened and watched this video while I was practicing my own yoga therapy, soaking up the healing vibrations of the frequencies to renew every cell in my body and to remind myself of where I came from, which is from the breath of God. At the same time I was reminding myself that I am a child of God and so are each of you.
Get in tune with the energy of LOVE within yourself and help create a better planet for yourself and everyone and everything that lives here.