Tuesday, December 24, 2013

It's the thought that counts right? NOT!

Happy Holidays!

I really love this time of the year. It's busy, loud and somewhat overstimulating if you participate in the normal traditions that people are accustomed to. I'm starting a new tradition for the winter holidays and that's just taking more time out for myself to decompress rather than following the crowd of getting all reved up.

I love giving gifts as much as anyone, however, I think we can all agree that everyone would rather not get a gift that has no relevance to them.  How would you feel if you knew how many of the gifts you gave were re-gifted or returned due to the fact that the gift had nothing to do with the person who received it? Sometimes giving kind words are more appropriate than going out and spending so much time and money on such gifts for others. I often wonder when having meaningful conversations went out of style. I think that's one of the only things I'm missing in life! So rather than going out and giving a gift to a person you know very little about, why not just give them a call or meet them for a lunch date and have a meaningful talk about what's most important to each of you. I guarantee that you will find the real meaning that your looking for!


PS: Save more trees by buying fake Christmas trees that you can recycle!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Biofeedback Open for Insurance Pay in America.

Biofeedback opens for Insurance Pay in America

by Jonas Paulauskas reporter (3-15-2012)

In December 2010 the Medicare National Coverage Determinations Manual declared that in the topic of 30 Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 30-1 Biofeedback would be covered and payable by Medicare. Other therapies in under Complementary and Alternative Medicine such as acupuncture, Transcendental meditation, thermogenic therapy, etc were recognized but not covered.
In 2009 doctor Nanette Robinson MD in Seattle Washington saw a patient Carol Burke. Carol had cancer and her symptoms (especially pain) were greatly reduced when she saw a SCIO therapist. The doctor wrote the prescription for the SCIO in January 2010. The doctor so prescribed the SCIO for home use saying it was a medical necessity to use the SCIO when needed at home and it would greatly improve Carol’s quality of life. The doctor and Carol saw there was a superior form of biofeedback therapy in the auto-focused SCIO system.
In a court at the Medicare Hearings and Appeals case 1-63947241, the Judge Kelton ordered Regence Blue Shield to pay for the SCIO home use prescription. On October 6 2010Carol Billings of the insurance company Appeals and Grievances Dept apologized for taking the court and the patient’s time and they agreed to cover these SCIO services in the future if the proper software is used with it.
The insurance company sent Carol a used smelly generic biofeedback device, which she rejected. After a court battle the judge determined the insurance company was mandated to pay for the SCIO device for Carol to use at home. (Copy of letters and the prescription in the appendix)
The courts, Medicare, insurance companies and other medical institutions are opening up to validating biofeedback. Biofeedback has been a medically recognized form of therapy for over a century. We can see that for over a hundred years biofeedback has intrigued medicine. Just some of the early and remarkable events are listed here.

Biofeedback Brief History:

Claude Bernard proposed in 1865 that the body strives to maintain a steady state in the internal environment (milieu intérieur), introducing the concept of homeostasis.
Caton recorded spontaneous electrical potentials from the exposed cortical surface of monkeys and rabbits, and was the first to measure event-related potentials (EEG responses to stimuli) in 1875.
Danilevsky published Investigations in the Physiology of the Brain, which explored the relationship between the EEG and states of consciousness in 1877.
Beck published studies of spontaneous electrical potentials detected from the brains of dogs and rabbits, and was the first to document alpha blocking, where light alters rhythmic oscillations, in 1890.
Sherrington introduced the terms neuron and synapse and published the Integrative Action of the Nervous System in 1906.
Pravdich-Neminsky photographed the EEG and event related potentials from dogs, demonstrated a 12– 14 Hz rhythm that slowed during asphyxiation, and introduced the term electrocerebrogram in 1912.
Feré demonstrated the exosomatic method of recording of skin electrical activity by passing a small current through the skin in 1888
Tarchanoff used the endosomatic method by recording the difference in skin electrical potential from points on the skin surface in 1889; no external current was applied.
Jung employed the galvanometer, which used the exosomatic method, in 1907 to study unconscious emotions in word-association experiments.
After World War II, mathematician Norbert Wiener developed cybernetic feedback theory, that proposed that systems are controlled by monitoring their results. The participants at the landmark 1969 conference at the Surfrider Inn in Santa Monica coined the term biofeedback from Weiner's feedback. The conference resulted in the founding of the Bio-Feedback Research Society, which permitted normally isolated researchers to contact and collaborate with each other, as well as popularizing the term “biofeedback.”
Marjorie and Hershel Toomim (1975) published a landmark article about the use of GSR biofeedback in psychotherapy.
From 1974 till the present Dr Nelson now Professor emeritus of medicine Desire’ Dubounet has combined the electro-stimulation of the GSR to be a Cranial Electro Stimulation, and Transcutaneous Electro Nerval Stimulation, Transcutaneous Voltammetric Stimulation, and Electro Wound Healing. So MCES, TENS, TVEP, EWH could be autofocused by a cybernetic loop. This is a perfect combination of electro-stim with biofeedback. The started as the EPFX, led to the QXCI, the SCIO and now the Eductor. With over 200 articles most medically supervised, peer review published the SCIO technology is the most pervasively research energetic medicine device in history.
And Now Biofeedback is developing it firm place in medicine.
Three professional biofeedback organizations, the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB), Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA), and the International Society for Neuro-feedback and Research (ISNR), arrived at a consensus definition of biofeedback in 2008:
Biofeedback is a process that enables an individual to learn how to change physiological activity for the purposes of improving health and performance. Instruments measure physiological activity such as brainwaves, heart function, breathing, muscle activity, and skin temperature. These instruments rapidly and accurately 'feed-back' information to the user. The presentation of this information — often in conjunction with changes in thinking, emotions, and behavior — supports desired physiological changes. Over time, these changes can endure without continued use of an instrument.
Now post 2010 biofeedback and the SCIO have won the battle to be paid for by Medicare and the insurance companies. Medicine faces a new revolution in drugless therapy. It is still a time of conflict and the battle for freedom in medicine continues. But there are signs of true freedom on the horizon.

Insurance billing (Modified from IMUNE records):

If you are going to bill an insurance company for biofeedback you need to be careful you do not get sued for misbranding. That means you must be careful and think it all out.
The big news is that the insurance companies are being forced to pay for biofeedback. We are now fully part of real medicine. The SCIO device is validated biofeedback but since the regulators have found that there are fraudulent biofeedback systems like the Russian systems and the LIFE we must be careful. The new BIG system works to openly and clearly do biofeedback for the SCIO to meet all new regulations. If you do not have it, get it.
Next ask yourself what would you say with your hand on the bible in court to these questions, if you are sued by an insurance company. Think long and hard about this now.

What are your Qualifications? How much time did you spend getting them?

How did you pay for these qualifications? A proper biofeedback school program is not given out when you buy a device. The courts hate conflict of interest.

List all of you credentials to validate your ability to safely and effectively do biofeedback How long have you practiced Biofeedback?

What was the biofeedback procedure used with this client? And the court could ask for a demonstration.

Now Desire’ has written a new book on all of this in detail, but here I can briefly summarize. The court
will ask you and others about your qualifications and they want to see if you really know what you are doing or if you took some Mickey Mouse paperback course. The courts hate courses set up by sales agents that teach sales techniques more than therapy. Think about conflict of interest. Courts can smell conflict of interest a mile away.
Are you doing biofeedback or spiritual counseling? Insurance companies do not pay for spiritual counseling. Are you properly licensed or has some one in New York deceived you and given you an illegal spiritual license that will just aggravate the court. The international licenses from IMUNE are legal and helpful but be sure to say that it is an International License. This is ok. Any license in America to see patients must be given from a state. Under British VI and international law IMUNE can give such license. You can proudly show it in court. Biofeedback in not regulated but evidence of proper training is
important. The court is satisfied if you validate 700 plus hours of training and two years of practice. This is the standard. A therapist in training can charge for biofeedback sessions but should disclose thy are in training for the first two years.
Certification, registration, license, clubs, organization memberships can all help show the court you are a valid biofeedback technician. To get insurance payment you will need to have a registered provider of services number or a doctor who has prescribed the patient to see you. The doctor can prescribe the insurance company to pay for a home use SCIO and it fits all criteria. This has been done.
The court wants to know how many hours of training you have. Desire’ has made the new 12 month course to the high European standards with over 750 hours required for video training and reading of textbooks. The next question; what kind of textbooks did you use in your course? Desire’ has written over 85 certified medical university textbooks for you and Desire’ spent over 35 million dollars on making video training to provide a complete professional course that you could be proud of in any court of law. This course is taught in three accredited European and international medical universities now. And more are interested. This full course has a complete list of more than 10 medical doctors as advisory faculty will stand up to any challenge of law. Desire’ has been thorough and methodical to protect you.
And you can pay Desire’ cash or in good Karma for the course materials. Yes you can pay Desire’ with doing good deeds for your family, friends, neighbors and even your enemies. Yes Desire’ is that great. If you want a piece of paper like a doctorate, license, certification these are not available for Karma but need to be paid in currency. They are very affordable now and the price will go up and up. If interested write to her at desire.dubounet@gmail.com
Now did your course really prepare you for these questions? You’re billing an insurance company for a patient not a client. Would you be proud to demonstrate biofeedback in court? If you had a SCIO with the BIG and the 12 month course I guarantee you would be trained, proud and confident.
Do you have research that validates what you do? Do you have clinical doctor data from ISSN peer reviewed medical journals? They say publish or perish and it is true. The courts will ask you to bring in studies with the name of you device in them. This is very important. The SCIO has over 200 such medical articles and the SCIO studies are published and taught from certified medical university textbooks. This is the highest proof of validation and verification.
If someone does not think that such published clinical data in important, please see he is quite out of touch. Such validation and verification is very important. And to the courts nothing is more important than validation. You can proudly show hundreds of medical supervised studies, scientific research and more for the SCIO and the SCIO alone.
Now there are lots of small minds that hate large ideas and really hate great spirits. Yes great spirits get incredible resistance form mediocre minds. Desire’s vision was to help the world and to legally, responsibly, ethically, and honorably establish and protect natural medicine. Desire’s vision is vast so she saw big words like International, Medical, and University. And because of this vision now other
accredited universities are teaching the course with my certified medical textbooks. There are people who fear Desire’s Great Spirit and there are those who shirk away from controversy.
Desire’ has written a complete book of 2012 instructions to get biofeedback billing and she is making a video training to teach it. Both will be available soon.


^ Durand, Vincent Mark; Barlow, David (2009). Abnormal psychology: an integrative approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. pp. 331ISBN 0-495-09556-7.
"What is biofeedback?"Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. 2008-05-18. Retrieved 2010- 02-22.
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^ Freedman R. R., Sabharwal S. C., Ianni P., Desai N., Wenig P., Mayes M. (1988). "Nonneural beta-adrenergic vasodilating mechanism in temperature biofeedback".Psychosomatic Medicine 50 (4): 394–401. PMID 2842815.
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^ Moss D (2005). "Psychophysiological psychotherapy: The use of biofeedback, biological monitoring, and stress management principles in psychotherapy". Psychophysiology Today: the Magazine for Mind-Body Medicine (1): 14–18.
^ Pennebaker J. W., Chew C. H. (1985). "Behavioral inhibition and electrodermal activity during deception". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 49 (5): 1427–1433.doi:10.1037/0022-3514.49.5.1427PMID 4078683.
^ Caton R (1875). "The electric currents of the brain". British Medical Journal 2: 278.
Brazier M. A. B. (1959). "The EEG in epilepsy: A historical note". Epilepsia (1–5): 328–336.doi:10.1111/j.1528- 1157.1959.tb04270.x.
^ Coenen A. M. L., Zajachkivsky O., Bilski R. (1998). "Scientific priority of A. Beck in the neurophysiology". Experimental and Clinical Physiology and Biochemistry 1: 105–109.
^ Sherrington, C. S. (1906). The integrative action of the nervous system. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
^ Pravdich-Neminsky V. V. (1913). "Ein versuch der registrierung der elektrischen gehirnerscheinungen". Zbl Physiol 27: 951–960.
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^ Wiener, Norbert (2007). Cybernetics Or Control And Communication In The Animal And The Machine. Kessinger Publishing, LLC. ISBN 1-4325-9444-3.
^ Moss D (1999). "Biofeedback, mind-body medicine, and the higher limits of human nature".Humanistic and transpersonal psychology: a historical and biographical sourcebook. Westport, Conn: Greenwood PressISBN 0-313- 29158-6.
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^ Medical Research Validation of the SCIO, IMUNE press 2011, International Medical Journal of the Science of Homeopathy, ISSN 2041-4293
^ VARHOPE (Voltage, Amperage, Resistance, Oxidation, Hydration, Proton and Electron pressure, the body electric's vital signs) VARHOPE, IMUNE Press 2011, ISBN 978-615-5169-17-5
^ TVEP and Medication Testing (the research), IMUNE Press 2011, ISBN 978-615-5169-19-9
^ Energetic Medicine - Science over Convention, IMUNE Press 2011, ISBN 978-615-5169-02-1
^ Stress as THE Medical Concern, IMUNE Press 2011, ISBN 978-615-5169-55-7
^ TVEP Clinical Experience Volume 1 and 2, IMUNE Press 2011, ISBN 978-615-5169-20-5


I just watched Food Matters on Netflix. This is another great documentary on how to create your health by the food choices you make.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Saturday, September 14, 2013

You can have forgiveness and still walk away. There are some people that can only be loved at a distance.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Love is the water of life. Drink it down with heart and soul.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sharing information with someone you love.

Today I was searching for information on lymphedema and after reading as much of the depressing things that I could tolerate I then decided to search for information on healing lymphedema and I found this really wonderful website of this beautiful woman named Polly:


Lymphedma is a condition of chronic swelling in some body part due to a compromise in the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a circulatory system that carries our immune cells and is responsible for removing toxins from our body. The lymphatic system is ultimately connected to both the arterial and venous systems and also works with the liver and kidneys to eliminate waste from the body.

Even if you do not have lymphedma this is information that we all need to live a better life on this planet. Please take a look and share it with someone you know that is not feeling well or struggling with some kind of health issues. Her personal story of thriving after having gotten cancer two times before the age 28 is really inspiring.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Break Free.

I loved hearing Joel Osteen talk about the greatest freedom. It's freedom from other people. "High maintenance people are impossible to please." Break free from people who are a drag, drain, and drama. Break free from people who use you as a trash can for all their problems.

on OWN: Dr. Brené Brown: The Two Most Dangerous Words in Your Vocabulary.

Words are energy. Watch what Dr. Bown says about the things we tell ourselves and what the results are that follow. This is a great explanation as to why so many people are unhappy. Emotions are contagious. Notice what kind energy you're spreading around.


Joel Osteen said, "It takes the same amount of energy to worry as it does to believe." Restore your faith and remind yourself that if you are alive then you have purpose.

Friday, August 9, 2013

ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder but Doreen Virtues believes that it stands for "attention dialed into a higher dimension." In my observation I've seen that ADHD is learned ineffective behaviors in adaptation to stress which only creates more stress and therefore leads to neurophysiological imbalance. Teaching children how to manage stress at an early age by drinking plenty of water, keeping blood sugar levels stable, getting both plenty of exercise as well as rest, and knowing how not to over stimulate oneself is a better alternative to managing this condition. The BrainGym book for children outlines all of this and is just as effective for adults. For more information on BrainGym visit this site: http://www.braingym.org/

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Movie: Hungry For Change

I just watched the documentary that was recommended to me by a patient called Hungry For Change. It's on Netflix and I highly recommend to everyone!
The benefits of loving yourself is based in hardcore science.
A way to have a profound impact

Fat Free. Not!

Fats in your eating plan are healthy as long as you are eating the right kinds of fat. Coconut oil is one of the most stable oils you can consume and is very good for your health. Don't get scared of the saturated fat content as we need these fats to regenerate the nervous system. Feel free to FRY something in coconut oil and be guilt free when you taste it's decadence!! Don't worry, you won't gain weight and you won't stroke out. In fact, the opposite is likely true. Know your facts and do your research.

To learn more about healthy fats check out the work by Dr. Pescatore, MD. He is known for working with the rich and famous. He helps people loose weight and restore their health in a functional and reasonable way by teaching them how to eat real food. He also uses the ALCAT test to help patients learn about what kind of food intolerance's they may have that are keeping them sick.

Get great deals on Coconut Oil by the bulk at www.tropicaltraditions.com. We usually buy it by the gallon. Learn more about the ALCAT test at www.ALCAT.com.

You will never ever, never ever, never ever really get healthy until you learn to cook your own food!!

PEACE with FOOD is part of YOGA.

Molecularly Sugar is Very Close to COCAINE

Sugar is the accepted cocaine of society and addictive in the same sort of way. A Paleo way of eating can help stear you away from the addiction and stevia is a healthier alternative to getting that sweet fix without the side effects of eating real sugar.

Monday, July 1, 2013

What it takes to be happy! You must choose it.

I'm going to be happy. I'm going to skip. I'm going to be glad. I'm going to smile a lot. I'm going to be easy. I'm going to count my blessings. I'm going to look for reasons to feel good. I'm going to dig up positive things from the past. I'm going to look for positive things where I stand. I'm going to look for positive things in the future. It is my natural state to be a happy person. It's natural for me to love and to laugh. This is what is most natural for me. I am a happy person!


Thursday, June 27, 2013

You cannot worry about someone and love them at the same time. Most people mistake the emotion of worry for the emotion of love. They think that worrying about somebody means that you love them.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Beautiful Truth: movie review.

In the last blog I introduced the movie The Beautiful Truth. Today I just want to clarify something due to the fact that there is a discrepancy in the movie. They praise Dr. Westin Price, DDS, but then they go on to advocate a vegan diet as the cure. Despite this contradiction, there are a lot of great truths in the movie. I also want everyone in the world to know that I am NOT a VEGAN! For some reason people like to assume that I'm vegan.

It's great that Dr. Gerson cured so many people of cancer on a vegan diet. It's obvious if you have cancer that detoxification would be part of regime and a vegan diet would be great at facilitating this. However, many people have also recovered from chronic illness with a Paleolithic Healthsyle (a way of eating that does include animal protein). This way of eating allows you to have the best of everything that's raw, cooked and nutritious, therefore helping with detoxification as well as also getting what helps you optimally regenerate (animal protein). Dr. Price's research is like timeless precious gems that never go out of style or significance! His famous book is called Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. It may be a hard read for some but the information will stick with you and be true for a life time and your health will prove it.

Being healthy has become so trendy. This sounds like a good thing since being responsible for your health is one of the best things you can do. Just remember that with anything trendy there's bound to be a lot of counterfeits. A lot of people are raving about the China Study, a study that testifies a diet free in animal protein is the one that has the most significance in humans being cancer free. This does not agree with what Dr. Price found. However, when you look at the hard evidence and realize that there were a lot of factors that the China Study didn't even consider and see that see that Dr. Price found the same concordant information with all of the different indigenous cultures he studied, then you may see that this way of living is the common thread of disease free health and vitality for humanity.

Another way to find what is true for you is try both kinds of diet and see which one gives you the greatest sense of health and well being. Try it for no less than 90 days and possibly as long as a year before you come to a final decision, since starting something new often has side effects. For example you may first go through a cycle of detoxification before you can tell the real effects. I did this with many different kinds of eating belief systems and I ultimately felt the most resonance being PALEO.

Ultimately, scrutinize everything you read and hear since all that's labeled healthy is necessarily so.

All of this talk about diet is more like yoga and food to me. Find PEACE with what you eat and life will be so much kinder to you!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I just watched the movie "The Beautiful Truth" on Netflix. This is a really great documentary about the role that nutrition has in curing cancer. This is good infomation for everyone. They even mention my favorite dentist, Dr. Westin Price, DDS.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Tribute to Robin McKenzie

I can't imagine how life would have been without learning about the McKenzie Method. I believe that if I had not learned how to use this evaluation and treatment system on myself then I would be feeling pretty terrible. Doing these exercises and making up new ones even more specific for my body has been the most effective medicine that I've ever experienced. This and drinking water have become my daily movement yoga practices.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

At Integrative Body we are not focused on how many patients we can see in a day. We are focused on delivering the most optimum care that we can provide for each individual.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

One powerful person can create change in the world.

A bunch of weak people, even in numbers, aren't strong. Get a whole bunch of confused people together and see how much clarity comes out of it. In other words, you just can't add one more confused person to the pot, and expect to get any more clarity… One—standing outside of the confused group—who is clear, is more powerful than a million who are confused.

--- Abraham

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

It does not matter what path you take, but it does matter if the path you are taking is something that you are believing is appropriate. Nothing is more damaging to you than to do something that you believe is wrong.

--- Abraham

Sunday, March 10, 2013

We are not proponents of long life. We are proponents of joyful life, and when you find yourself in joy, the longevity usually follows. Although we do not count the success of a life by its length; we count it by its joy.

--- Abraham

Saturday, March 2, 2013

So, the truth is, there's not one path. The truth is, there's not only one right path. The truth is, all paths can be made to be the right path. The truth is, that every individual has a different path. And that different path that every individual is launching incrementally—and amending constantly—that true path is known by Source and is guided by Source if you will pay attention to the way you feel.

--- Abraham

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

MDT Can Transform Your Health

We have seen MDT (mechanical diagnosis and treatment) be the missing link in helping someone recovering from chronic abdominal pain with digestive complications, incontinence, severe migraines, sinus problems, TMJ problems, menstrual pain, and the list goes on. Consistent McKenzie evaluation and treatment can confirm that this is true. Chronic mechanical stresses can eventually effect normal organ function. If normal organ function is not restored then it's very likely that absorption of vital nutrients as well as any kind of organ function, can be impaired leading to other health problems. This idea is unknown to both conventional and alternative medicine needs research and awareness from both doctors and MDT therapist to help patients get the care they need. More awareness of the the capabilities of MDT in conventional and alternative realms of medicine alone could be the very thing to totally transform our current health care system.

Patients can learn about what kinds of foods irritate their condition by getting allergy tested by and MD or and ND (both may use different methods). Patients can learn about food intolerance's (different than allergy testing) by getting an ALCAT test. Knowing this information can be the key in making sure the person is making the right food, supplement and medication choices to bring their body's back to optimal function.

Monday, February 4, 2013

"Water is the main source of energy for all living things."

~ Dr. Batman
Get a lot of things done by being a good time manager. There is a belief that you can get more done by multitasking, but in truth your brain can only focus on one thing at a time. So multitasking only gets you more confusion, more mistakes, and more aggravation.

If a worry about a lack of education comes up, talk it down. Acknowledge that some of the greatest contributing geniuses in your technology age did not have college degrees... They were self-taught. They had an idea and they gathered to them people who could contribute to that.
--- Abraham

Monday, January 21, 2013

Your Body's Many Cries For Water

I just tweeted an article about how we are getting too much salt in our diets. Part of the problem has to do with how busy people are that they have to eat out so frequently. Another part of the problem is the quality of salt that is used as well as the fact that people generally do not drink enough water. There can be a lot of side effects from consuming high levels of salt without balancing hydration levels. Water is one of the cheapest and most effective natural medicines. To learn more about how you can dramatically change your health with water you will want to get the book "Your Body's Many Cries For Water." I can attest that learning about hydration and being on the journey of reversing chronic systemic dehydration has been life transforming. You cannot reverse the effects of chronic dehydration overnight. In fact I have been working on my own recovery for the last 6 years.

Appreciation and self-love are the most important tools that you could ever nurture. Appreciation of others, and the appreciation of yourself is the closest vibrational match to your Source Energy of anything that we've ever witnessed anywhere in the Universe.

--- Abraham