Wednesday, October 31, 2012

When a child has a dream and a parent says, "It's not financially feasible; you can't make a living at that; don't do it," we say to the child, run away from home... You must follow your dream. You will never be joyful if you don't. Your dream may change, but you've got to stay after your dreams. You have to.

--- Abraham
A spinal derangement is a "distortion or displacement of a disc" according to Robin McKenzie, and is generally associated with local or peripheralizing pain symptoms. All derangements do not manifest typical spinal symptoms. Other symptoms to be considered as having a mechanical origin also may include: itching, irritability, sinus problems (including allergy like symptoms), digestive distress (gas,bloating, and abdominal cramping), sore throat, fatigue, difficulty concentrating and I'm sure the list could go on.

If you have physical symptoms that have not been relieved with with conventional or alternative treatments then you might be the perfect candidate for an evaluation by Integrative Body Therapist. Call today for a free 15 minute consultation! The solution to your symptoms could be more simple than you could have ever imagined!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Things are getting better.

People are talking about how things in the world are getting worse. We have cleaner air and water today than we did in the 1950's. That's an amazing sign that things are miraculously getting better! =)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Love who you are.

Wherever you are, is just fine…You can get to wherever you want to be from wherever you are… It’s time to stop measuring where you are in relationship to where anybody else is. The only factor that has anything to do with you is where you are in relationship with where you want to be.

--- Abraham