Saturday, August 17, 2013

Break Free.

I loved hearing Joel Osteen talk about the greatest freedom. It's freedom from other people. "High maintenance people are impossible to please." Break free from people who are a drag, drain, and drama. Break free from people who use you as a trash can for all their problems.

on OWN: Dr. Brené Brown: The Two Most Dangerous Words in Your Vocabulary.

Words are energy. Watch what Dr. Bown says about the things we tell ourselves and what the results are that follow. This is a great explanation as to why so many people are unhappy. Emotions are contagious. Notice what kind energy you're spreading around.

Joel Osteen said, "It takes the same amount of energy to worry as it does to believe." Restore your faith and remind yourself that if you are alive then you have purpose.

Friday, August 9, 2013

ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder but Doreen Virtues believes that it stands for "attention dialed into a higher dimension." In my observation I've seen that ADHD is learned ineffective behaviors in adaptation to stress which only creates more stress and therefore leads to neurophysiological imbalance. Teaching children how to manage stress at an early age by drinking plenty of water, keeping blood sugar levels stable, getting both plenty of exercise as well as rest, and knowing how not to over stimulate oneself is a better alternative to managing this condition. The BrainGym book for children outlines all of this and is just as effective for adults. For more information on BrainGym visit this site: